Saturday, December 11, 2010

I like to follow Stephen Fry

Facebook can be a great way to connect to people, either your friends or in the case of an organisation your users. I first joined Facebook when I went to live overseas, it's an easy way to keep in touch, sometimes I learn things I didn't want to know though!
For an organisation however you can never have enough information available, having a Facebook page can open up a whole new way of reaching users who use social networking tools to find information.

Twitter is a new experience for me, I'm not really interested in keeping people updated with what I'm doing (I'm just not that interesting!) but I'm enjoying following people and organisations, this definitely has a lot of potential for libraries to use to promote the library and keep users informed.
If you want to be bored to death follow me @teengirlsquad1


  1. I think with both and Blogs as will sometimes it is great to join to keep in touch and follow other people or organisations. I know I do for my livejournal account and if we have a library presence there will be some people that do the same.

  2. I'm sure your life is just rivetting - I'm so excited I'm gonna head to Twitter right now to check it out! Quick and easy. And if I start to recognise the symptoms of imminent boredom induced death - well I can use my last breath to unfollow and all will be well.

  3. Stephen has been a bit of a naughty boy recently
